Module 4.8 – Goals (Dreams, Aspirations, the Glitter)
The terms goals and dreams and aspirations can be used interchangeably so from here on out, this module refers to those life list items that aren’t things you have to do, but things you want to do. We’re talking bucket list. The glitter. For the purposes of this...Module 4.7 – Places and Spaces
For an introvert like me, “Home” is a sacred word. I love being on vacation and experiencing new places but home is where I’m happiest and most relaxed. Home is an energetic “safe space” for those of us who learned early on that the world can be a very unsafe and...Course Correct – Module 4.6 Finances
Seems nothing can stress us out on a daily basis more than money. Most of our waking lives are spent in the pursuit of money or in the spending of it.
COURSE CORRECT – Module 4.5 Work
I believe, without a doubt, that everyone has a ‘calling.’ You have a unique set of gifts and desires within you that wants to manifest outside of you and into the world. It’s from this place that we have the most to give and therefore, the most impact.