“Preparation, I have often said, is rightly two-thirds of any venture.”

– Amelia Earhart

Okay hopefully, you took the time to complete your evaluation of how you’re generally doing as well as the most important step; envisioning your Higher Self and where you want to head in your life.

Knowing the problem is the first step to solving it and that’s what we’re going to tackle in greater detail in this module. By the end, you will be very clear about why you are currently off course, specifically what areas of your life need action, and then we’ll break it into manageable steps so that you end up with a concrete 90-day plan to set you on the right path.

How will we do this? We’re going to:


You may be asking yourself: Why is the Course Correct plan for 90 days?

I know that from experience. After years of shoving yourself and your truest needs in the broom closet, you will feel an inner chime ring inside of you when you put the Universe on notice that you have thrown open the door and freed your Higher Self from the confines you placed her in. When you make space in your life for the best in you to come out from behind the curtains and take center stage, you will feel the thunderous applause within you. One day is a blip of time but it’s monumental to the leading lady within who’s been waiting in the wings.

It’s her time in the spotlight.

Time to shine.

That begins on day one.

Nothing has momentum like consistency. I chose a 90-day benchmark because I feel that you need commit to a significant enough amount of time to make lasting changes that will become lifestyle and truly break some self-defeating habits.

Also, if, like me, one of your primary complaints is about how you look and feel physically, then, depending upon where you’re at now, 90 days may be just the beginning. One of the things I recognized when I did this for myself was that that I’d been pretty hard on my body and had taken it for granted. The proof was starting to show in my appearance and in my checkups and blood tests. I wanted to give my body a true healing experience, like, at the cellular level and knew that would take time. I didn’t screw it up overnight. It’s dreamy but unrealistic to expect to fix it overnight.

These 90 days are the beginning of your new normal and I would challenge you that if you’re inwardly balking at it, then it might mean that you’re not ready for true change. This isn’t something you crank out for a week and then forget. That’s not a solid decision; it’s a feathery wish. Look at how fast the time flies between the start of a new school year in September and the seemingly sudden arrival of the holidays. How fast does beach time come when you’re dreaming of your bikini body in February? It’s super-sonic fast, right?

90 days is a flash. It’s nothing in the big scheme of things. It will pass whether you change anything in your life or not. But wouldn’t you be happier at the end of 90 days just knowing you’re that much more on course, that much closer to being who you know you must be in order to be truly happy?

Give yourself this time. You are worth it.

Remember, the goal is your truest happiness and if you were truly happy with where you’re currently at, you’d not be reading this course. We’re talking about changing the trajectory of your life so let’s banish short-term thinking. Everything you’re scared to change or give up will still be there at the end of this time. The life-police aren’t going to show up on your door and berate you for going back to old habits. But I’m willing to bet that you will fill those shoes perfectly if you don’t at least try. You will look back at the three months and ask yourself, “Why didn’t I just start?”

We’re going to start by segmenting our lives into a few major areas, talk and think about ways we might want to correct course in that area (or not) and then, if change in that life zone is something you know you want to embark on, we will list and prioritize steps to get on course.

The life zones are:

  • BODY (physical health and wellness)
  • MIND (emotional health as well as mental clarity and focus)
  • SPIRIT (This can mean whatever that word means to you: religion, spirituality, metaphysics…)
  • CONNECTION (Relationships and connectedness in general)
  • WORK
  • GOALS (Aspirations, Dreams, etc.)

Remember, every zone of our lives affects the other zones. Just like a plane doesn’t fly on the engine alone, you cannot soar if you don’t attend to all of your parts simultaneously. I don’t know about you but I’m not getting on a plane with cracked wings just because the engine is in tip-top shape!

It’s possible that some of these zones won’t apply because you’re on course in that area of your life. That’s great! If it ‘aint broke, don’t fix it! Your particular plan is specific to you. That’s what makes this course so unique. It’s not one size fits all. It’d designed and tailored for YOU!

For me, it wasn’t just choices about what to cut out of my life, but what to bring in. That’s a very important distinction. You may need to eliminate some things that keep your feet tied to the ground. But just as important are the things you need to add, make room for, fold in to your life to make it more fulfilling and complete.

Personally, I chose to make course corrections in every single component of my life—how I thought, talked, treated myself, and treated others. I had to choose how best to spend my workdays as well as how I spent my money. Most crucial for me was assessing and course correcting the ways I spent my time!

I’m very much an all-or-nothing kind of thinker. If there was a magic pill to eradicate that trait, I’d likely be happier. However, I choose to embrace my natural tendencies and tackle many life segments at once. That worked for me but it doesn’t have to be your way. Once you assess the areas of your life in need of course correction, then you can choose to tackle them all at once, like I did, or once segment at a time. Honor who you are and how you best make changes.

For me, I knew that if I wanted to feel good in the best sense and that meant that I needed to be mindful of EVERY choice.

The vision of the person you long to be should always be on your mind. She or he is waiting for you to connect…to align yourself. Every day should be a step in direction of that vision.

I’m certain that I “research” as a form of procrastination. I’m pretty dang knowledgeable about a number of topics relating to health, creativity, writing, spirituality, etc. Guess what else I’m skilled at—doing all about nothing with that knowledge. There’s a wide gulf between knowing and doing and I’m usually just yodeling over that gulf in my journal instead of acting on the knowledge I do have.

Enough. Enough of being all yodel and no action.

It’s time for some action.

You’ll see that I’ve broken down the life zones into their own lessons. Even if you think you’re firing on all cylinders in one area, I urge you not to skip any of them. We can always improve upon what we’re doing right and you never know what might spark an idea for further change or improvement.

I’ll see you in the next lesson where we’ll tackle the one area that is arguably on the top of everyone’s course correction list—BODY.

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