We are women of a “certain age.” Women who are certain.

Certain that…

We stand boldly between two realities; the youth that is behind us and the age that is before us. We are willing to see both with tenderness and wonder.

We are not waxing nor waning. Our light is intense and full and illuminates the world.

Denigrating youth or old age reduces the value of the ages we have been and will ever be. We are magnificent enough to be the whole and wear all of our years like wings.

Bearing. Birthing. Releasing. It is what we have always done. Now…we do it for ourselves.

Change is not the enemy; stagnation is. No growth = no new bloom. 

Midlife women are not done fighting but we are done fighting ourselves.

Our hormones may feel like a raging storm at times but we are strapped to the bow, riding it out as best we can, laughing at the lightning, knowing this too will pass because memories of other victories pass like birds overhead and remind us who we are.

We are certain that…

Society needs our pro-ageing moxie. Our individual lives need it more.

Our beauty isn’t eroding or fading. We’re old enough to recognize that true beauty never came to us through the eyes of others. It comes from within and shines out.

Valor is hauling the weight of our past lessons while wisdom is shedding what is unnecessary for our journey now.

Fear can incapacitate or incite and we choose the latter. We know that no gains are made on the path while covering our eyes, closing our hearts, or hiding from what we can become.

Our life force does not drain from us with every passing year like sands in a glass. It fills, baby. It fills.

Certain that…

Seasoned = seasoning.

We are saucy, spicy, full-bodied creatures. Too fiery for some but we pay that no-nevermind. We just turn up the heat.

It takes courage to COURSE CORRECT so that the woman we meet at our destination is who we were born to be, not whom others think we should be.

There is value in our hard-fought years. Beauty in our battle scars. We are a formidable, mighty Tribe imbued with experience and wisdom, magnificence and bravery, and voices and images that deserve to be heard and seen.

Language matters—especially what we say to ourselves.

This is not the time to step out of the spotlight of our own lives.

Now is the time for FREEDOM. Freedom from: societal labels, small boxes, small minds, limited thinking, ineffective strategies, and tired ways of being. It is the time to thrive!

Our midlives are a canvas and it’s time to finger-paint.

Sisterhood is our scaffolding but only if sisterhood includes ALL women.

We aren’t just midlife women. No. We are midlife warriors, survivors, creators, caregivers, thinkers, and lovers of life and we won’t slide gently into sunset. We will make moxie a verb, own our power, and fly into the sun.

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