Well hello there, Dear Reader! I believe inĀ complete transparency on the Internet. There’s just so much shady no-no business practices kicking around and it’s underhanded and yucky. So I want to be upfront with you all. Please read the disclaimers in full. Thanks, guys!!

General Disclaimer

Anything you find here at MoxieFruit.comĀ is presented for informational purposes only and shouldn’t be taken as health advice or recommendation. I’m not a health professional, I just have lots of experience learning how to tend to my own health and work on changing my life and I wanted to share all of that info with you, dear reader!

Furthermore, any workout suggestions are of the “do at your own risk” category. As I recommend in posts and in my courses, you need to check with your doctor prior to doing any new workout or engaging in a new health regimen.

Affiliate Disclaimer

Links on this website may lead you to a product or service that provides an affiliate commission for me if you purchase something at the affiliate site. Take the article about the stationary bike for example. I receive a commission if you purchase it. However, I don’t recommend something unless I absolutely love it and believe in the product or service. Please note I haven’t been given any free products, services, or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning them on the site. I’m not interested in being a product pusher. I want the best for you, as you see from my articles. If I find something I think is awesome, you’ll hear about it.

Earnings Disclaimer

You’re going to see articles and courses about how I put this website and my courses together and the financial results. You’re going to see many things that I do for income in order to keep the site going and work toward my dream of working remotely and continuing to write books and love up my people–just living my own particular dream. That being said, there is NO GUARANTEE and NO WARRANTY that utilizing the same strategies or ideas or products will give you the same results. That’s probably pretty obvious, but still, I wanted to make sure you had that. Everything I write about in articles about these topics is info that worked for me. They may not work for you.

Thanks for taking the time to read these disclaimers!

No go off and keep being the awesome person you are!

Until next time…



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